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Writer's pictureJenn

Venting Versus Sharing

How to Speak Truth WITHOUT Blame

We're often told the path to intimacy is "being authentic"

But....if we're being honest....we'd sometimes be sharing some very bitter frustration with our husbands.

Speaking our raw, uncensored truth - venting those pent-up emotions through harsh criticism or resentment-laced tirades is not the way to go.

Doesn't engender intimacy.

But here's the uncomfortable reality: Unfiltered venting may feel cathartic in the moment, but it slowly erodes intimacy over time.


Because at its core, this approach relies on using a spouse as an emotional dumping ground in hopes they'll clean up your mess with kindness.

That's not fair to either of you.

It's the antithesis of being a supportive, empowered partner.

The truth is, you CAN process difficult emotions, gain self-awareness, and articulate your needs without making your husband the target of a word vomit that leaves you BOTH feeling small and disconnected.

How do you notice?

With venting you are trying to escape an uncomfortable feeling by "hot potato flinging"

With sharing you are opening up, not to change them AT ALL, but to share where you are at with complete ownership. Maybe asking for help, but not demanding they change.

It starts with this critical mindset shift:

You're not "venting" anymore - you're problem-solving.

Both of you have valid points that are right to you.

What do you do when THEY are emotion vomiting on YOU?

Stop the interaction.



"Hey, I'm trying to keep criticism out of our communication. I want to hear you. Can you rephrase that in a way that helps us get to a solution? Do you have a request to make? I'm willing to listen as long as it stays kind and respectful."

  • Then, when you're calm and centered, you'll learn to wield your voice deliberately and constructively.

  • You'll courageously advocate for your boundaries and desires, but without harsh judgment or attempting to invoke shame.

Think requests over reprimands; empowering "I" statements over blaming "you" statements.

For example: "I'm feeling disconnected lately and craving more quality time together" rather than "You never make me a priority anymore!"

By taking this stance of solution-focused self-expression, you give your spouse the gift of understanding your perspective without being attacked.

You make space for a collaborative mindset, saying "Here's what I'm needing - how can we work together to help make that happen?"

This approach recognizes your husband's autonomy in meeting your needs.

If he chooses not to, you can then re-evaluate the relationship dynamic from a place of empowerment rather than depleting resentment.

But more often than not, taking this solution-mindset unlocks deeper realms of care, empathy and teamwork.

Your husband may feel motivated to step up, not out of duty or shame, but because he genuinely wants to help you feel honored and cherished.

He may feel more motivated to contribute to non-critical communication because he benefits too.

You don't have to settle for the draining zero-sum game of spousal blame and criticism.

Access the power of conscious truth-speaking focused on mutual growth and win-win solutions.

To get help doing this in your marriage just click below to schedule a Relationship Reset Call

We will:

  1. Clearly decide what you DO want in your marriage

  2. Make a simple plan to implement the skills to make that happen

  3. See if using coaching is the way you want to implement that plan

That's it.

Schedule below.

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